dini kuruluş

Sorularla İslamiyet

İstanbul, İstanbul

İletişim bilgileri

Adres: Fatih Mahallesi Veysel Karani Cad. Ata Sk. No: 5, 34500 Büyükçekmece, İstanbul Haritayol tarifi


Sorularla İslamiyet: Sorularla İslamiyet sitesi resmi Facebook hesabıdır. Sorularınızı sitemiz üzerinden sorarsanız daha doyurucu cevaplar alırsınız. Diğer tüm sayfalarımız için: http://www.feyyaz.org/sosyalmedya

At a time when Internet has begun to be a means of communication reaching great crowds of people across the world, Sorularla Islamiyet, the first and main site of our group, was founded by a group of academics in the year 2002, with the intention of fighting anti-Islamic ideas on the Internet and of explaining the true Islam and the truth befitting best to Islam with convincing methods. Sorularla Islamiyet, which continued till the midst of 2003 with probe-broadcast, began its active service since the July of the same year with a professional background, a group of scholars specialized in their fields, with editors and a technical staff. Sorularla Islamiyet, which turned out to be a searching center where hundreds of questions were answered daily till the year of 2006, having met millions of people in the virtual platform in that period, started publishing in English since January, 2006. It has been publishing in German since 2008 and Russia and Azerbaijani languages since 2009. http://www.sorularlaislamiyet.com/ Turkish http://www.questionsonislam.com/ English http://www.islamvoprosi.com/ Russia http://www.suallarlaislam.com/ Azerbaijani http://www.fragenandenislam.de/ German http://www.vaprosiislam.com/ Bulgaria http://www.vragenenislam.com/ Dutch http://www.temasislamicos.com/ Spanish http://www.mathetoislam.com/ Greek http://www.wendaislam.com/ Chinese http://www.videnomislam.com/ Danish http://www.sujetsislamiques.com/ French Our aim is to translate all of our works into all languages and let all humanity to benefit from them. We will make the effort while dua and support is from you and Help is from Allah. Greetings... Sorularla İslamiyet, İstanbul, İstanbul ilçesinde yer alan dini kuruluş.

Soru & Cevap:

Web site adresi: www.sorularlaislamiyet.com

Sorularla İslami̇yet'in kayıtlı olduğu kategoriler:

  • dini kuruluş
  • dini merkez
  • kâr amacı gütmeyen kuruluş


Bu bölümde Sorularla İslami̇yet'in haritadaki konumunu, varsa sokak görünümünü ve uydu haritasını görebilirsiniz.